Kazakhstan will produce Chinese brand cars
哈萨克斯坦汽车制造商Astana Group投资的、旨在对中国品牌汽车进行本地化生产的Astana Motors Manufacturing Kazakhstan汽车制造厂将于2025年实现投产。根据Astana Group的计划,这座全新的工厂,初期将实现四种中国汽车品牌,即长安、奇瑞和长城哈弗和长城坦克汽车的生产。未来,该多品牌工厂还计划开展其他汽车品牌的组装生产工作。
Astana Motors Manufacturing Kazakhstan, invested by Astana Group, aims to localize the production of Chinese brand cars and will be put into operation by 2025. According to Astana Group's plan, this new factory will initially produce four Chinese car brands, namely Changan, Chery, Great Wall Haval, and Great Wall Tank Motors. In the future, the multi brand factory also plans to carry out assembly and production work for other car brands.
(Editor: Embassy of Kazakhstan in China)
Chery Intelligent Automobile Industrial Park settles in Malaysia
奇瑞汽车正积极筹备在马来西亚建立其智能汽车工业园,此举标志着该公司在该地区扩展业务的重要一步。该工业园将坐落于文冬(Bentong)的勿林吟高科技汽车谷(Beringin High-Tech Auto Valley),占地面积广阔,达170英亩。该项目已获得当地发展商 LA Holizon Sdn Bhd 的支持,预计将成为奇瑞汽车在马来西亚的重要生产基地。
Chery Automobile is actively preparing to establish its intelligent automotive industrial park in Malaysia, marking an important step for the company to expand its business in the region. The industrial park will be located in the Beringin High Tech Auto Valley in Bentong, covering a vast area of 170 acres. The project has received support from local developer LA Holizon Sdn Bhd and is expected to become an important production base for Chery Automobile in Malaysia.
(Editor: Car Overseas Vision)
Proton Auto plans to IPO in Hong Kong
According to Editors familiar with the matter, Chinese electric truck manufacturer Proton Motors is considering an initial public offering (IPO) in Hong Kong, with plans to raise over $200 million. Insiders indicate that Proton Motors is in talks with potential advisors to prepare for an IPO in Hong Kong. However, relevant considerations are still underway and an IPO may not ultimately take place. Proton Motors does not comment.
(来源: Bloomberg News)
(Editor: Bloomberg News)
| 奇瑞计划2025年使泰国产电动车的本土零部件含量达到50%
Chery plans to increase the local component content of Thai made electric vehicles to 50% by 2025
奇瑞汽车的泰国子公司Omoda & Jaecoo (Thailand) Company表示,计划到今年年底,使其在泰国生产的电动汽车的本土零部件比例达到45%至50%,并计划在五年内将这一比例提高到70%至80%。
Omoda&Jaeco (Thailand) Company, the Thai subsidiary of Chery Automobile, plans to increase the proportion of local components in its electric vehicles produced in Thailand to 45% to 50% by the end of this year, and plans to increase this proportion to 70% to 80% within five years.
(Editor: Gasgoo Auto)
Polaris is rumored to have laid off employees in China
今日据“晚点汽车”报道,春节过后,极星科技开始陆续裁员,规模约50人,包括销售、运营等人员,被裁员工可获得N+1赔偿。据一位接近极星科技的人士对说,“这是最后一波裁员,全员撤退,还剩一些售后人员扫尾。”据悉这次裁员所涉及的极星科技成立于 2023 年 6 月,最初由极星汽车和吉利旗下的星纪魅族联合成立,主要任务是强化极星在中国的本土化运营能力。当时约 200 余人从极星中国转入极星科技,包括销售、营销、售后等一级业务部门,极星中国只保留了全球采购、研发、HR 等基本职能。
According to a report by "Late Bus" today, after the Spring Festival, Jixing Technology has started to lay off about 50 employees, including sales, operations and other personnel. The laid-off employees can receive N+1 compensation. According to a person close to Polestar Technology, "This is the last wave of layoffs, with all employees withdrawing and some after-sales personnel remaining." It is reported that Polestar Technology, which is involved in this layoff, was established in June 2023 and was initially jointly established by Polestar Motors and Geely's Starkey Meizu. Its main task is to strengthen Polestar's localization operation capabilities in China. At that time, more than 200 people transferred from Polaris China to Polaris Technology, including first level business departments such as sales, marketing, and after-sales. Polaris China only retained basic functions such as global procurement, research and development, and HR.
(Editor: JIKE AUTO)
China and Europe reach reconciliation
日前,外媒消息报道 欧洲议会贸易委员会主席贝恩德·朗格向德国广播公司n-tv透露,布鲁塞尔和北京即将就中国电动汽车进口关税问题达成解决方案。 朗格表示,“我们即将达成协议:中国可以承诺以最低价格向欧盟提供电动汽车,”但未提供具体细节。
Recently, foreign media reported that Bernd Lang, Chairman of the European Parliament's Trade Committee, revealed to the German broadcasting company n-tv that Brussels and Beijing are about to reach a solution to the issue of import tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles. Lang said, 'We are about to reach an agreement: China can promise to provide electric vehicles to the EU at the lowest price,' but did not provide specific details.
The European Commission has not yet commented on this matter.
Mercedes Benz may initiate global layoffs
Recently, the financial report released by Mercedes Benz Group showed a significant decline in the company's performance in 2024, especially in the Chinese market where the performance was not ideal, resulting in a significant decrease in net profit. In addition, Mercedes Benz expects that profits will further decline significantly in 2025. Therefore, Mercedes Benz may initiate layoffs. Previously, foreign media reported that Mercedes Benz plans to cut costs by 5 billion euros by 2027. To achieve this, it plans to implement large-scale layoffs, with up to 20000 people, mainly concentrated in traditional fuel vehicle related departments and some management functional positions. At the same time, departments such as research and development, sales, marketing, and administrative management may also be affected.
Skoda lays off 20% of its workforce
近日,大众集团旗下捷克汽车品牌斯柯达(Skoda)CEO柯力士(Klaus Zellmer)在行业论坛上放出猛料:这个拥有4.1万员工的百年品牌,即将挥刀砍掉20%的岗位!更耐人寻味的是,这场”瘦身手术”竟伴随着8%的年销量增长目标,以及电动车领域的全面押注。
Recently, Klaus Zellmer, CEO of Skoda, a Czech car brand under Volkswagen Group, released a bombshell at an industry forum: this century old brand with 41000 employees is about to cut 20% of its positions with a knife! What is even more intriguing is that this "slimming surgery" is accompanied by an 8% annual sales growth target and a comprehensive bet in the electric vehicle field.
Audi Brussels factory stop production
Recently, Audi's Brussels factory has officially ceased production, and this factory, which was once regarded as the "birthplace" of German car manufacturers' electrification transformation, will also be closed as a result. This change signifies that the European automotive industry is facing even more severe challenges, with an estimated 3000 workers expected to lose their jobs.
The US President Donald Trump plans to impose an additional 10% import tariff on Chinese products
On February 27th, US President Donald Trump announced that an additional 10% tariff will be imposed on imported goods from China. This tariff will be imposed on top of the 10% import tariff already implemented by the US on China on February 4th, meaning that the US will impose an additional 20% tariff on imported products from China.
Mitsubishi Motors: Leading Chinese car companies in the Southeast Asian market
三菱汽车执行副总裁Tatsuo Nakamura在接受采访时表示,该公司有信心在关键的东南亚汽车市场抵御来自中国汽车制造商的日趋激烈的竞争。Nakamura称,三菱汽车在东南亚地区“仍然领先一步”,但同时也承认来自中国竞争对手的威胁日益增加,需要“密切关注”。
Mitsubishi Motors Executive Vice President Tatsuo Nakamura stated in an interview that the company is confident in resisting increasingly fierce competition from Chinese automakers in the key Southeast Asian automotive market. Nakamura stated that Mitsubishi Motors is "still one step ahead" in Southeast Asia, but also acknowledged the increasing threat from Chinese competitors and the need for "close monitoring".
Suzuki's new factory in India has been officially completed and put into operation
According to foreign media reports, on February 25th, Maruti Suzuki, the Indian subsidiary of Suzuki Motor, completed the first phase of construction and officially started production at its new factory in Kharkhoda, Haryana, northern India. It is expected that the factory will become one of the largest passenger car manufacturing bases in Asia by 2028.
MINI postpones plans to produce electric vehicles in the UK next year
According to foreign media reports, BMW has postponed its plan to produce an electric MINI at its Oxford factory in the UK due to uncertainty in the automotive industry. BMW's previous plan was to start electric vehicle production at the factory in 2026, but this plan has been postponed, reflecting the broader challenges facing the popularization and manufacturing of electric vehicles.
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